Mananeeya Shivrampant Joglekarji was a Pracharak in Tamil Nadu for a long while. The first thing he took up in TN was to learn Tamil language. Soon he became so good at the language that he even used to write his diary in Tamil. His traditional outfit with a Bhasma-tilak made anyone mistake him for a native.
Joglekarji was a simple man. He never used to iron his clothes, except the Ganvesh. As the first thing in the morning, he would clean the whole Karyalaya everyday. Daily Shakha was a key part of his daily life that even during his later years when he suffered from paralysis, he used to attend Shakha in a wheelchair.
In Gita, Bhagwan says:
mukta-saṅgaḥ—free from worldly attachment; anaham-vādī—free from ego; dhṛiti—strong resolve; utsāha—zeal; samanvitaḥ—endowed with; siddhi-asiddhyoḥ—in success and failure; nirvikāraḥ—unaffected; kartā—worker; sāttvikaḥ—in the mode of goodness; uchyate—is said to be
Joglekarji was a simple man. He never used to iron his clothes, except the Ganvesh. As the first thing in the morning, he would clean the whole Karyalaya everyday. Daily Shakha was a key part of his daily life that even during his later years when he suffered from paralysis, he used to attend Shakha in a wheelchair.
In Gita, Bhagwan says:
मुक्तसङ्गोऽनहंवादी धृत्युत्साहसमन्वित: |
सिद्ध्यसिद्ध्योर्निर्विकार: कर्ता सात्विक उच्यते ||18:26||
mukta-saṅgo ‘nahaṁ-vādī dhṛity-utsāha-samanvitaḥ
siddhy-asiddhyor nirvikāraḥ kartā sāttvika uchyate
mukta-saṅgaḥ—free from worldly attachment; anaham-vādī—free from ego; dhṛiti—strong resolve; utsāha—zeal; samanvitaḥ—endowed with; siddhi-asiddhyoḥ—in success and failure; nirvikāraḥ—unaffected; kartā—worker; sāttvikaḥ—in the mode of goodness; uchyate—is said to be
"The performer is said to be in the mode of goodness, when he or she is free from egotism and attachment, and endowed with enthusiasm and determination."
Mananeeya Joglekarji was a person who lead such a Sattvik life.
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