Disciple: Our Shastras say that Eeswara (God) is formless and that Eeswara will never take birth.
Guru: Yes.
Disciple: Then who are our Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, Maa Parvati and others?
Guru: They are Devatas (deities). All of them are deities. Through them, we seek Eeswara (God). We perceive our deities with three gunas (qualities) – Sattva, Rajas and Tamas - and three vyavaharas (behaviours) – Srushti, Sthiti and Samhaara.
Yaska Maharshi, in his Nirukta says:
Remember, aspire for attaining the ultimate through Devatas.
Guru: Yes.
Disciple: Then who are our Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, Maa Parvati and others?
Guru: They are Devatas (deities). All of them are deities. Through them, we seek Eeswara (God). We perceive our deities with three gunas (qualities) – Sattva, Rajas and Tamas - and three vyavaharas (behaviours) – Srushti, Sthiti and Samhaara.
Yaska Maharshi, in his Nirukta says:
महाभाग्यात् देवताय एकात्मा बहुधा स्तुयते |
एकस्यात्मनो अन्ये देव: प्रत्यंगानि भवन्ति ||
Mahabhagyad-devataya eka atma bahudha stuyate |
ekasya atmano anye devah pratyangani bhavanti ||
[From the greatness of the Deity, the one Soul is celebrated in many ways.
The different gods are all members of the one Soul.]
Hari Om!
ॐ Chidanandam ॐ
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