The mere fact of birth or nurture in a particular territory, without a corresponding mental pattern, can never give a person the status of a national in that land, Mental allegiance has been, in fact, the universally accepted criterion for nationality.
There is an old story with a lesson for us. Once a lioness roaming in the jungle found a small baby jackal and brought it to her cave. The lioness had a few cubs. She began to feed the infant jackal also with her milk along with her cubs. They all began to grow and play about as brothers. Once when they had gone into the thick of the jungle an elephant came that way. The jackal kid, on seeing that colossal animal, cried out in terror to his brothers to run away. The lion cubs replied, "What a fool your are! After so many days we have come across such fine prey. If you are afraid, you go home. We will fight." The jackal kid came running to the cave and narrated to the lioness that a great calamity had befallen his younger brothers by their refusing to heed to his elderly advice. The lioness just smiled and told the kid, "No doubt, you have grown here on my milk. But you cannot help your nature."
[Source: Bunch of Thoughts]
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