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Offence for Offence | Story of Bakasura | Guruji's Thoughts | 1 min.

There is an interesting story in the Mahabharata. Once, while the Pandavas with their mother Kunti were moving about incognito, they happened to come to a place called Ekachakrapuri. There they came to know that the town was under the control of a terrific demon called Baka. Once, when he was about to destroy the whole of the town, the people had entreated him saying, "Do not kill us all now. In return for this favour, we will send you every day a cart-load of rice and other edibles, two buffaloes yoked to the cart and the driver for your food." These were the terms of the agreement.

Now, the next part of the story is very interesting and illuminating. Kunti asked the people not to worry by saying that she would be sending one of her five sons who was capable of destroying that Rakshasa. Accordingly Bhima was sent. He went with a cart-load of food to the place of Baka and shouted aloud, "Hello! Where are you? Baka, come on, I have brought your food." He let loose the buffaloes and began to eat the food himself with great relish. Bakasura was amazed to see that sight. Till then, nobody had dared to call him by name. They would tremble, bewail their fate and would only wait for death. Bakasura's surprise grew into annoyance when he saw his 'prey' feasting upon his own food! Furious with rage, he dashed towards Bhima and began showering blows on him. But this gentleman continued to eat saying, "Wait a bit, let me eat"! After he had finished everything, he said, "Now, come on. You have been troubling these poor people for so many days. The time has now come for us to settle the accounts." And we know how Bhima settled the account! On the next morning the people saw to their utter relief the corpse of the dreaded Bakasura sprawling at the entrance gate of the town.

These are the two ways of dealing with the aggressor. In both these ways, the awareness that he is an aggressor and is hostile is there. So, whether our people go about saying that we will give five per cent seats, fifteen per cent seats, we will give parity, we will partition the land and so on, or they stand up and say, "Come on, and let us settle accounts", in both these attitudes, there is the same awareness regarding his real nature of hostility.


[Source: Bunch of Thoughts]


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