Namaste Sada Vatsale (Sanskrit: नमस्ते सदा वत्सले) is Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh's prayer. This prayer is in Sanskrit except last line which is in Hindi. It is compulsory to sing this prayer in all programs of Sangh. It was written by Shri Narhar Narayan Bhide, a Sanskrit professor in guidance of Dr. K. B. Hedgewar and Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar.
नमस्ते सदा वत्सले मातृभूमे,त्वया हिन्दुभूमे सुखं वर्धितोहम् ।
महामङ्गले पुण्यभूमे त्वदर्थे,पतत्वेष कायो नमस्ते नमस्ते ।।१।।
प्रभो शक्तिमन् हिन्दुराष्ट्राङ्गभूता,इमे सादरं त्वां नमामो वयम् |त्वदीयाय कार्याय बध्दा कटीयं,शुभामाशिषं देहि तत्पूर्तये ||अजय्यां च विश्वस्य देहीश शक्तिं,सुशीलं जगद्येन नम्रं भवेत् |श्रुतं चैव यत्कण्टकाकीर्ण मार्गं,स्वयं स्वीकृतं नः सुगं कारयेत् ।।१।।
समुत्कर्षनिःश्रेयसस्यैकमुग्रंपरं साधनं नाम वीरव्रतम्तदन्तः स्फुरत्वक्षया ध्येयनिष्ठाहृदन्तः प्रजागर्तु तीव्रानिशम् ।विजेत्री च नः संहता कार्यशक्तिर्विधायास्य धर्मस्य संरक्षणम् ।परं वैभवं नेतुमेतत् स्वराष्ट्रंसमर्था भवत्वाशिषा ते भृशम् ।।३।।
Meaning:भारत माता की जय ।।
Namaste!Forever I bow to thee, O Loving Motherland! O Motherland of us, Thou hast brought me up in happiness. May my life, O great and blessed Holy Land, be laid down in Thy Cause. I bow to Thee again and again. We the children of the Nation bow to Thee in reverence, O Almighty God. We have braced up to carry on Thy work. Give us Thy holy blessings for its fulfillment. O Lord! Grant us such might as no power on earth can ever challenge, such purity of character as would command the respect of the whole world and such knowledge as would make easy the thorny path that we have voluntarily chosen. May we be inspired with the spirit of stern heroism, that is sole and ultimate means of attaining the highest spiritual bliss with the greatest temporal prosperity. May intense and everlasting devotion to our ideal ever enthuse our hearts. May our victorious organised power of action, by Thy Grace, be wholly capable of protecting our dharma and leading this nation of ours to the highest pinnacle of glory.
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