The former Kerala cadre IPS officer, spy-master and the current National Security Adviser Shri Ajit Kumar Doval is one of the most talked-about people online and offline. Here, we will share a few stories from his meticulous and daring career:
- Doval was one of three negotiators along with diplomat Vivek Katju and C D Sahay, intelligence officer of the R&AW, who negotiated the release of passengers from IC-814 flight that was hijacked to Kandahar in 1999.[4] Uniquely, Doval has the experience of being involved in the termination of all 15 hijackings of Indian Airlines aircraft from 1971–1999.
- During the Mizo National Front (MNF) insurgency, Doval as a field operative won over six of rebel leader Laldenga's seven commanders and broke his hold over his private army. He spent long periods of time incognito with the Mizo National Army in the Arakan in Burma and inside Chinese territory.
- In Punjab he was behind the rescue of Romanian diplomat Liviu Radu. He was inside the Golden Temple in Amritsar in 1988 before Operation Black Thunder to collect critical information. An year later, he lead an IB team along with the Punjab police and NSG in the same operation to evacuate terrorists from the Golden Temple in Amritsar.
- He went to Kashmir in 1990 and persuaded militants (like Kuka Parray) to become counter-insurgents targeting hard-line anti-India terrorists.
- In June 2014, Doval played a crucial role in ensuring secure return of 46 Indian nurses who were trapped in a hospital in Tikrit, Iraq. After the family members lost all contacts from these nurses, following the capture of Mosul by ISIS. Doval, on a top secret mission flew to Iraq on 25 June 2014 to understand the position on the ground and make high-level contacts in the Iraqi government. Although, the exact circumstances of their release are unclear, on 5 July 2014, ISIS militants handed the nurses to authorities at Erbil city and two specially arranged planes by Indian Government brought them back home to Kochi.
Read more about him here: Ajit Doval.
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