The Bhagavad Gita never asks you to ‘believe’ or to ‘be a believer’. Gita asks you to “criticize” it and thereby, to understand and absorb the knowledge presented within. That single fact in itself differentiates it from other holy books and makes it incomparable. Instead of deceiving you to ‘believe’ in a God, Gita asks you to search for the divine by yourself. The endeavor ‘should’ be out of one’s own will, ‘never’ subject to compulsion. That’s why you don’t find a person who was ‘compelled’ to read the Gita. The desire should come from within. We are not claiming that the other holy books are wrong, nor are we questioning their existence. The point we make is that all ‘beliefs’ are rooted in ignorance. All beliefs are blind. When you board a plane, you ‘believe’ that the pilot knows how to fly it. You believe. Wasn't that belief blind? Same is the case with all beliefs. This ignorance leads human lives into darkness and misery. The Gita exists in order to unite the human...
Musings on the Hindu Dharma... || हिन्दव: सोदराः सर्वे न हिन्दू: पतितो भवेत् | मम दीक्षा हिन्दू रक्षा मम मंत्र समानता ||